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Daniel Barret Founder Of DropshipNews

Chat with experts: Daniel Barret founder of DropshipNews

Written By

Ash Ome

Published on

February 27, 2018

Digital Develop invited Daniel Barret to give his insights on eCommerce and it’s future. Dan throws kickass information and his opinion on eCommerce. Keep on reading, hope you’ll find some golden nuggest.

Hey! Whatís your background, and what getís you out of bed every morning?

My background is motor engineering, when I left school at 16 I started a 5 years motor technicians apprenticeship.
I actually wanted to be an electrical engineer but I failed a color test, they said I was color blind and wouldn’t be able to tell the cable colors apart! Despite that, I went on to complete an electronics and electronic servicing course.

I love helping people, passing on my knowledge, that’s what gets me out of bed.

What motivated you to start Dropship News?

The motivation was to help people as mentioned earlier. I’ve had a number of different businesses over the years both online and offline. I never really enjoyed them. You know what they say pick something you’re passionate about. After joining lots of Facebook Groups answering members posts regarding e-commerce, dropshipping and Shopify. I quickly realized that I just love helping others. That was the motivation for Dropship News, to educate and entertain new store owners.

How long have you been in the business of helping e-commerce retailers for? What have your platform/company goals been?

I’ve been running Dropship News and helping others for only 15 months but have built a good following in my Facebook Group called Shopify For Beginners

Which eCommerce platform you prefer and why?

I used to prefer Opencart up until 2 years ago when I switched to Shopify. Shopify is so quick to setup and gets your store online. The ecosystem of Shopify apps means you can build almost any type of e-commerce store with almost no technical knowledge.

A common problem in eCommerce is retailers having traffic but no conversions. If theyíre gathering traffic but not making any sales what would you recommend?

Yes, a very common problem. First I’d like to know where the traffic is coming from. Traffic comes in many forms and conversions will depend on whether the offer is relevant to the visitor’s expectations. So if someone is searching for information on “Blue widgets” and they land on your page with! Blue widgets for sale” it’s unlikely they will convert into a sale because they are currently just after information, not to buy.

All things being equal and the visitor is looking to buy then it could be the product doesn’t match the advertisement promises. There could be trust issues with the site such as no about us page or contact information. One of the most common issues is the shipping price. If shipping charges are not visible upfront many visitors are reluctant to enter their address details to get the shipping price.

Do you see mobile users as being the future of eCommerce retailers? What are your personal experiences while using mobile shopping, if at all?

Mobile is the future, clearly but not for all e-commerce transactions. Larger ticket priced items tend to require more touch points and information given to the visitor before they commit to a purchase. These buyers tend to be desktop users in my experience. Plus many people actually shop whilst at the work PC!

Where do you think the future of e-commerce marketing is heading? Is it chatbots, IoT, more personalized content, big data?

The near future says the 2 – 5 years I see chat-bots dominating everywhere. Simply because they are so effective and easy to set up. As with all these quick and easy applications, it won’t be long before marketers will damage the chatbot reputation. Further down the road, I see AI as AR and the endpoints.

Do you think a branded eCommerce store help merchants to stay in the top?

Yes, definitely. Although it’s far from easy. This is one area a see newcomers making the most mistakes. No branding or identity for visitors to connect with. Even a well written about us story is better than nothing at all.

Whatís your though on data-driven marketing?

There is no other type is there 🙂

Push, email or messenger which channel is good for conversion? Whatís your thought on that?

Email is still tops for me but messenger is quickly catching up, especially when you have bots to help with the heavy lifting, by keeping the visitor engaged.

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