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Shopify Shipping Scripts To Maximize Sales Conversions

Shopify Shipping Scripts to maximize sales conversions

Written By

Ash Ome

Published on

March 3, 2017

Recently Shopify has introduced that’s Script Editor to the eCommerce world. And that really very important tools for any enterprise level eCommerce business. With Shopify Script you can do some unique things that was not possible before or that was before possible only by apps which leads anyone to burn a lot of money. Shopify’s Shipping Scripts is an amazing way to maximize your sales conversions by rewarding your customers, with Shopify Shipping Scripts you can offer customized shipping options to them.

I am thankful to OnlyGrowth and specially to James Corr for their awesome shipping scripts. I always get inspiration from them and I have modified some them as per our need.

Before we start, you must have to be Shopify Plus store owner and you’ve to install Script Editor apps on your store. All you’ve to do is copying and pasting the scripts in that.Note: Shopify Script is a premium feature which is only available for Shopify Plus, Not a Shopify Plus member yet ? Check out the benefits of Shopify PlusHopefully these Shopify Shipping Scripts will help you to maximise sales conversions.

Standard Free Shipping

Recent statics says that it increased the conversions up to 15% more when a store offer free shipping. By offering free shipping to a group of customers over regular customer you show that you value them a lot. Here is a Shopify Shipping Script to offer free shipping.

Free Shipping for VIP tagged customers

As we discussed free shipping is the way that show a real value to your customers. If you want to show value to a group of customers then the script we’ve written (mainly slightly modified of previous one) to run a free shipping offer to VIP customers. This script will run a program which will give your VIP tagged customer free shipping. All you’ve to do is copy the script from the below and paste that in your script editor and tag some customers as VIP whos you want to offer the free shipping.

 X% Off Shipping If Cart Value =>$Y

It’s really a good initiative to give some discount when a certain amount of money a customer or a group of customers spent on your products. This Shopify Shipping Script will allow you to offer your customers a certain Percent Off for the Shipping. Use the Shopify Shipping Script from the below.

Free Shipping If Cart Value is > $Y

Here is an another Shopify Shipping Script to give free shipping but this script will only work when some one will spend over a certain amount. Suppose if you want to offer free shipping if someone will spend over 500$ then in the MINIMUM_ORDER_AMOUNT put 500 after the equal sign.

Free Shipping If Cart Value >$Y (Excluding States You Don’t Want)

This is slightly modified version of the previous Shopify Shipping Script which will allow you to exclude certain states you don’t want to offer free shipping.

Display Shipping Carrier Name Below Shipping Method

If you want to show the shipping carrier name below shipping method then this script will come to help you. It will show shipping carrier name under the shipping method.These Shopify Shipping Scripts will help you to maximize sales conversions of your store. If you’ve any script idea you want to see and implement on your store then let us know. Our Ecommerce specialists and Expert Team of Shopify Plus will help you to get that.

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